Monday, 9 May 2016

What's it all About?

It all started when my children (now in their early thirties) got their heads together and drew up a list of 60 things they thought I should do during my 61st year of life. It was my 60th birthday on Sunday 1st May 2016 and so the countdown has begun to get through the list.

What I'm going to do is post a monthly report, on the first of every month, charting the progress I've made with the challenges I've been set. In that way, I hope to keep on top of it all.

If you're middle-aged and interested in the subtle ways in which children get revenge for their upbringing, read on. If not, move on - there's loads of other blogs.


  1. Will my children be as cruel?!

  2. Almost certainly - they're probably in the bathroom right now, plotting

  3. No pressure then! Personally, I view my sixties as a chance to relax and let others take the strain .... Oh, where was I?
